Sunday, July 05, 2015

Programming - A Great Career Choice

My favorite hobby is programming computers - because it's really fun! I have been very fortunate to get paid to do my hobby for the past 20 years. During that time I've worked for about a dozen different companies, sometimes as a contractor, sometimes as a full time employee, and for about 7 years I ran my own company. Each change was by my choice, and on my terms. Although I'd like to think of my skills as amazing, the truth is you don't have to be amazing to get work in this field. The world, as a whole, needs more programmers, many more programmers! You may be worried about the coming robocalypse and what that will do to your job prospects (as you should), but this is one of the few jobs that should fair reasonably well. Jobs in this field are extremely flexible about where you live, and what hours you keep. And it's really easy to get started - all you need is access to a computer and the internet (or a good book). To sum up, programming is fun, and you can make a good living from it. If you aren't sure what you want to be when you grow up (or are interested in changing that choice), I'd give computer programming a serious look.

BTW: You'll often hear a lot of different names for computer programmer, here's a short list: Computer Programmer, Coder, Hacker, Software Engineer, Computer Scientist

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