Friday, July 25, 2008

iPhone App Store Experience

It's been two week since Apple released the iPhone App Store. I'm happy to report that my program Save Benjis has been there from the start. I'm also very happy that it has stayed in the top 100 free apps, and has had great reviews, both in the store and in the world at large (I post some of these in the lower left of my main page). As of last Wednesday we had over 40,000 downloads.

Though everything has not gone perfectly. I've had some serious challenges with "Save Benjis" in these last two weeks as well. Probably the hardest was losing Amazon content. It looked for a while like "Save Benjis" would have to shut down for lack of pictures, reviews, feature lists etc, but Jim (at FindersCheapers) figured out a way to keep us up and running. For the time being we've lost review content and our product details have gotten anemic, but Jim thinks we can improve this soon.

Another set back has been a couple of small issues in "Save Benjis" that are causing us not to get credit for all purchases made with the program. I have fixed the problems and submitted them for update on July 14th. They've been "In Review" for 11 days. The waiting is quite difficult for me, I must say. Particularly hard is waiting without an idea of how long I have to wait. Apparently I'm not alone though, several discussion groups have focused on this, here is one.

I guess the lesson for me is patience, this too shall pass.

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